Rabu, 22 Desember 2010


Albari Albari

Faculty of Economics

Universitas Islam Indonesia


In the realm of literature on consumer behavior is still difficult to find chapters that discuss specifically about the procedures and research techniques that can reveal the motivation of consumers to buy a product / brand. To reduce the weakness, this paper tries to give additional discourse consumer motivation research by proposing an alternative measurement data is adjusted to approach theory of motivation that are used.

We describe the different statistical analysis techniques to utilize data obtained within as well as implications results in marketing, so as to assist in making the conclusion of the study.

Keywords: consumer behavior, consumer motivation.


When consumers really want a product / brand, but they were unable to obtain compliance bidding option enough, then marketers can gain an understanding of the behavior that consumers easily. But along with the development corporate and emerging market competition level longer increasingly stringent and the risk of business failure is the greater. And, at this time marketers need the data (behavior) the customer is accurate, so that firms can maintain and even expand presence in the market.

Through research, the study of consumers and this behavior can be understood. Although the results may not perfect prediction will be obtained, but the effort will be designed with appropriate reducing the risk failure of marketing as a means, than if managerial decision making is not equipped with data from consumer opinion.

In the discussion of consumer behavior, there are many underlying influence a person in making decisions purchase a product / brand that must be learned by marketers. Most people, consumer buying behavior is often preceded and influenced by many stimuli (stimuli) from outside it self, either Not fulfilled: needs, desires, request Pressure Encouragement Behavior Knowledge Cognitive Processes Reduction pressure The purpose / fulfillment needs form of marketing stimuli or stimuli from the environment another. Stimulation is then processed (processed) in accordance with his personal characteristics, before finally taken a decision purchase. Personal characteristics of consumers who are used to process is very complex stimuli , And one of them is consumer motivation to buy.

According to Wells and Prensky (1996), motivation as a starting point of all consumer behavior, which is the process of a person to realize their needs and initiate activities too btain satisfaction. While Schiffman and Kanuk (1994) stated that motivation as a force in the encouragement of self- individuals who force them to take action. Strength impulse was generated from a pressure caused by not or do not fulfill the needs, wants and demands. Then, together with cognitive processes (thinking) and knowledge previously obtained, then the impulse will lead to behavior to achieve the goals or needs. Proses ini dapat This process can as shown in Figure 1.

Thus, if a person has a high motivation against a particular object, then he will be motivated to behave master object. Conversely, if motivation is low, then he will try to avoid the object in question. Implikasinya The implication in marketing is likely the person is interested buy products / brands that offer marketers or not.

Figure 1:

Motivation Process Model (Schiffman and Kanuk, 1994)

Realizing the importance of motivation, the paper tries provides an illustration in conducting research on consumer motivation to purchase a product / brand. Because a lot of research not have meaning if no contributions or improvements in everyday life, then this article will be complemented by discussion implications which may be obtained in marketing policy.


At each research activity, a researcher needs clearly suggests the importance of the study was conducted with a particular theme or title. Explanations that contain the details of the reasons or background of a comprehensive and appropriate to the context and objective conditions, such as that implied in the theme or title indicated research.

Context of research related to the research emphasis on certain aspects that are considered important for research, while conditions concerned with phenomena that occur and are associated with reality of the object under study [company, product, brand]. If the contextual refers to the underlying theory used and the principal themes of research, then the condition can be reflected by the variables, attributes, or properties of objects it. To arrive at the conditional level, then the variable, attribute, or nature of the object must be in accordance with the selected load theory in research.

Similarly, the close relationship between contextual and conditional this research, so that should not happen in a research there are the reason for the research that does not touch the explanation about theory and research objects. In other words, researchers need explain the theory used in the study - among the various theories that may exist, and the selected object must be specified.

As an illustration, for example, research on consumer motivation to buy the product / brand X. So the research context is the theoryspecific motivation to every aspect that is implied in it, while the study was the price, quality and attributes Other product / brand X, which can represent the implementation aspects motivation theory was objectively.

In its development there are several theories of motivation can be used as a basis for research. Masing-masing teori akan Each theory will carry different implications in the measurement techniques, analysis, and marketing implications. But in a simple, motivational research needs contrary to certain theories and try to uncover all the factors or underlying or subconscious impulse which can be effect on consumer behavior, such as essential attributes of the product or services to target consumers addressed (Thomas, 1998). In between existing motivation theory and consumer research can be used as reference namely: the theory of Maslow's needs and personality of Freud's psychoanalytic theory.

In conventional discussion about the motivation many based on the theory of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs. This theory trying to explain human motivation through the fulfillment of needs biology and psychology, in the form of physiological needs, safety, social, self-esteem, and self-actualization (Solomon, 1999). In the context of marketing, physiological needs can be a reflection of the capabilities consumers to buy with a price or fee, needs form level in using the product / brand (Eg warranty, after sales service, or the availability of spare parts), social need is reflected by the use of the product in relation with the community, self-esteem needs to be part product / brand that could raise consumer self-image, and needs self-actualization can be shown by a major utility product / brand to support the achievement of potential consumers.

Can lead to the fulfillment of a need for motivation to meet the needs of others. The fulfillment of these needs arranged in a ladder of levels of the most urgent up to the less urgent, though it does not mean should starting from physiological needs to top up to the needs of self-actualization. But there's always the possibility of exclusion from these trends. Someone is sometimes even more motivated to meet the actualization needs because he wanted to spur achieving his potential, although he had difficulty buy the product / brand.

In general, the dominant motivation of the person to meet the needs may differ from one another, although fulfillment same object. Similarly, the order of importance of compliance needs that can lead to motivation. For example, motivationlecturers and students concerning the purchase or possession of a car. Based on the level of conditional attributes of a car, if the price of a car can be used as a reflection of physiological needs, ease of doing service - for example for maintenance and repairs, as security needs, passenger capacity to reflect eksterior fulfillment of social needs, the physical form of the car - such as exterior appearance or interior, referring to the needs of the award, and technological sophistication available-for example for security or comfort themselves, as reflection of self-actualization, it is possible for a lecturer sophistication of the car is more important than the physical form, capacity passengers, ease of servicing and car prices, due to feel safe and comfortable during the trip gained use the car he can use that energy still primed to perform other work optimally. Sedangkan bagi As for a student whose financial ability is relatively limited, the factor price may be more important than the sophistication of car, physical form, passenger capacity and ease of servicing.

If the case, when the lecturer concerned purchase car, maybe he is more likely to be motivated to meet the needs of self-actualization rather than the needs of awards, social, security, and While these students tend to consider physiological needs fulfillment than self-actualization needs, awards, social and security.

As Freud put forward opinions about psychoanalytic theory id, personality that someone was in the act is influenced by the id, superego dan ego . Id is the primitive nature of personality and impulsive and possess a person from birth, contains a hope- expectations that require immediate gratification, and actualization can result in unconscious actions that can be conflicting While the superego is an expression ofin a person associated or developed from the values moral community, which is the actualization of unconscious action can inhibit or reduce the impulsive force id. As for egois the concept of controlling a person, who serves as balance between the impulsive force of the id with cultural constraints community of superego (Schiffman and Kanuk, 1994). psychoanalytic position has the same importance between one another in influencing behavior. Because if there one more dominant than others will cause inequality behavior. If the id is left is very dominant, then one would tend to be selfish. Mean while, if the superego controlsone's personality, he will lower himself and afraid to take risks life. The ego is too big if his control of the id and superegoperson's behavior will be difficult to be accepted by others.

As an example of the need to balance those three things are about a product / brand new and relatively expensive to buy someone not solely because of good quality (ego), but also because the price is expensive to improve the status and self-esteem The possibility of purchasing an expensive product that may can be delayed, or even canceled, if economic conditions This is so concerned not considered arrogant spending money, so it does not causejealousy social environment (superego).


As part of the psychological aspects of human, measurement motivation can be performed using measurement techniques adjusted to the theory underlying the research undertaken. Selain In addition through a qualitative approach, consumer motivation can also known quantitative approach, by activities through a questionnaire survey to the consumer. Isi utama dari The main contents of questionnaire form of identification of consumer motivations that refer to aspects important aspect of the theory of motivation that are used and who want to know by researchers. In addition, according to Darrel and his colleagues (1994) consumers were asked to rate products or services by feelings their emotional or that can increase their value.

Similarly, the measurement scale used. Misalnya jika For example if Maslow, research using the theory of Maslow's hierarchy of human needs, Researchers can choose to use consumer disclosure statement a certain scale questionnaire data. It was necessary also inapplication of the use of Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality. Election This measurement scale once again, depending on the theory of motivation that is used.

Use ordinal scale in a study could be useful to express statements about more than or less instead, without stating the value greater or lack; ordinal scale have a statement sequence, but do not have the distance and the origin of unique (Cooper and Emory, 1995). With ordinal scale respondents research can express opinions about the order (ranking) the importance of characteristic of an object of research (have now, 1994). Given the characteristics of ordinal scale, the research consumer motivation to use the theory of hierarchy of human needs from Maslow seems to be more appropriate when using a scale. If the case, one example of the hypothesis on the measurement of consumer motivation can be given as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2 below shows the attributes that are considered important by consumers about the choice to buy cars X. And measurement of the importance of attributes that can motivate consumers can be done in two ways. On the way The first (Example 1) weight value is given directly by the consumer by writing the number of weights for each attribute.

Figure 2: Examples of Measurement Motivation with Ordinal Scale

Example 1:

Put a weight (number) on the attributes of the product / brand X sedan below. The amount of weight (Number) referred to demonstrate the importance of the attributes that motivate you to buy produk/merek mobil X tersebut. product / brand X car. Total weight (number) is 10.

___ Reasonable price ___ Dent assertive exterior winding

___ Use of fuel efficient ___ Combination of soft interior

___ Ease of servicing ___ The sophistication of the technology used

___ Passenger capacity of many

Example 2:

Give the order of selection (1 through 6) against the attributes of product / brand X cars below. The order attribute indicates the importance of these attributes in motivating you to buy produk/merek mobil X. product/brand cars X.

___ Reasonable price ___ Dent assertive exterior winding

___ Use of fuel efficient ___ Combination of soft interior

___ Ease of servicing ___The sophistication of the technology used

___ Large passenger capacity

By looking at the value given can be known easily that an attribute is considered more important by consumers compared with the other attributes to buy cars X. More large value, the more important or dominant attributes in decision car purchases X.

While in the second way (Example 2) the consumer requested rank the importance of the attributes that exist, then based on The researchers gave the sequence a particular score. unipolar (satu The score is unipolar (one poles, which should be positive). For example, if consumers choose 'Affordable' as the first sequence, the attribute 'capacity large passenger 'in the second and setrusnya, then the attribute price is given a score of 7, the attribute capacity were scored 6 and so on.

Such unipolar Pengskoran assumed to be appropriately for the measurement of motivation. This assumption is based on the discourse that is not there is something that did not result in motivation, so that an attribute products / brands that are considered (at all) is not essential should not then considered not going to motivate consumers, that is correct attribute is less motivating consumers. If this is true, then the value lowest score in these categories should not be 0 (zero), but 1 (one).

Figure 3: Example of Measurement of Motivation with Interval Scale

Put a cross [X] in the column of responses is important-not important for each of the existing statement.

I bought a car X because:

Reasonable price Important |__|__|__|__|__|__|__| Not important

The use of fuel efficient Important |__|__|__|__|__|__|__| Not important

servis Ease of servicing Important |__|__|__|__|__|__|__| Not important

Important Not important Important |__|__|__|__|__|__|__| Not important

Large passenger capacity Important |__|__|__|__|__|__|__| Not important

Dent firm exterior winding Important |__|__|__|__|__|__|__| Not important

The combination of a soft interior Important |__|__|__|__|__|__|__| Not important

The sophistication of the technology used Important |__|__|__|__|__|__|__| Not important

The beneficial use of interval scales to obtain data from respondents statement about the determination of similarity intervals or difference; interval scale characteristics in a statement is a sequence and equidistant between the responses to each other, butdo not have a unique origin (Cooper and Emory, 1995). Measurements with ordinal scales can be converted into interval scale, if an object no longer has the order of importance of characteristics the object, but each is considered as important characteristics (Sekaran, 1994).

With a basic explanation, the measurement of motivation consumers who departed from Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality seems to tend more appropriate use of measurement scales intervals, because the description of Freud's theory-based before characteristics on the concept of id, superego and ego are the same importance or equivalent. With this assumption can be made measurement applications consumer motivation to buy car X, the hypothesis could exemplified as visible in Figure 3.

In Figure 3 is a statement about the attributes of the product / brand Car X raised more detailed than in the example in Figure 2, because demands of research with the scale interval measurement and applications disclosure of Freud's theory is the case. Sedangkan tanggapan While the response statement of consumer unipolar assessed with a score of 7 (very important) to a score of 1 (not important), with an explanation (excuse) the nature unipolar as already noted in Example 2 of Figure 2 By way of this measurement score on each attribute possibility could have the same value (7 all, 1 all, and etc.) or varied.

Figure 4: Example of identification of needs and products by Dichter

(Wells dan Prensky, 1996) (Wells and Prensky, 1996)

Products Main interests The interests of the subconscious

Food that is wrapped Protecting food Attention to family

Handyman tools Home improvement Demonstrate skills and abilities

Ice cream Nutrition, taste love and taste with memori childs

Hat hospitality Self-expression and personality Deodorant Reduce odor and Self-esteem and social interest


In addition, for the information obtained could be sharper, researchers may be able to give a separate section of the questionnaire study for customers to give specific reasons about the importance of choice not the importance of product attributes / brand. Statement of the reasons consumers is expected to reveal more of the unconscious motivation consumer (from the id and superego) to buy the product / brand. Jika langkah If this step this is done, researchers may be able to obtain such information obtained by Ernest Dichter (Wells and Prensky, 1996), as shown in Figure 4.

Two forms of motivation measurement with ordinal and interval scale as has been noted in the illustration above is actually only merely examples of the implementation of the various theories underlying motivation is motivation research. scale measurement techniques used to know the motivation of consumers through the approach of Maslow's theory, basically it can also be used in research that uses basic theory of hierarchy of human needs, such as the satisfaction theory of Herzberg (Kotler, 1994), psychological theory of McGuire's (Hawkins, Best, and Coney, 1992), or the theory needs to learn from McClelland (Mowen and Minor, 1998). Similarly, the interval-scale measurement techniques motivation of research approaches Freud's theory, can also be used Ernest for application of research on motivation theory of Ernest purchase Dichter and theory compliant, aggressives, detached (CAD) from Karen Horney (Wells and Prensky, 1996)


Shape measurement using a questionnaire such as motivation which has been shown above not only given to one person only, but it takes a lot of people (a sample or population) in order to obtained a description of consumer motivation to buy a tendency product / brand. Because it is necessary statistical analysis techniques, both the descriptive or inferential, so that the conclusions drawn can be more informative (efficient) and accountable. Several statistical analysis techniques that can help are as follows:

a. To obtain the score values representative of a statement of motivation consumers can use descriptive analysis tools compute the average. Through this analysis tool can know the average contribution of eachs attribute to the total average of each factor, so that can set the attributes of the dominant trends motivate consumers. According to Hadi (1989) in practice scholars Social lot using the average of this count, both for data ordinal and interval scale.

b. To examine the difference in frequency (proportion) data observations obtained with the expected of each attribute on a product / brand can be used statistical tools: test frequency difference chi square 1-point and the proportion of different test groups single Kolmogorov-Smirnov or Mann-Whitney U. Through analysis This can be determined is whether differences with regard to expectations that can provide consumers with producers (sellers) on attributes of a product / brand, so it can be special treatment for attribute to [wherever possible] memenuhiharapan consumers.

c. To examine the difference in scores of consumer statement for each attribute of a series of product / brand company and competitor analysis tool can be used: different test observations Friedman's test and analysis of variance (Anova) test observations 1-factor. From this analysis can be determined that each product / brand under study is really accompanied by or have uniqueness (excellence) specific or not.

d. To examine the relationship or difference in score values of consumer statement on each attribute of anIn the literature many research methodologies, highly recommended scale research data use analysis tools that are not based on units equidistant, like the median and mode (mode). product / brand, and the statement was also influenced by characteristics / consumer background (age, education, income, and so on) can use analysis tools: different test levels inter-group Kruskal-Wallis and Anova 1-lane. This can be known is whether or not the difference consumer ratings about specific attributes of a product / brand according to variation certain consumer characteristics.

e. To examine the relationship or difference in score values of consumer statement on each attribute of a series product / brand, and influenced also by the characteristics / background consumer (age, education, income, etc.) can used tool of analysis: Anova 1-track repeat observations mixed 1 - which can be obtained no difference whether the assessment consumers about the specific attributes of a series of product / brand investigated based on variations of a particular consumer characteristics.

In the discourse of statistics, usually formatted analysis tool for a particular measurement scale can also be used to scale higher level. Therefore, inferential statistical analysis tool (item b - e) recommended the above-generally to the measurement scale ordinal, can also be used for interval scale data.


Benefits to be gained when using any marketer an alternative to the two theories and their subsequent research procedures of course can be different. The study, using a scale-appropriate interval with the characteristics of the data measurement higher level, can produce a sharper marketing implications or detailed than those with ordinal scale. In a case in advance, interval scale can not only reveal the importance of those attributes, but also value the importance of each attribute. But in general The second way it can generate the following benefits:

First, in the promotion strategy. Marketers can obtain clear data on the position of the attributes that are considered important by consumers, so that these attributes can be focused excellence on programs and promotional activities more effective. For example in the form display advertising or sales promotions that can arouse feelings consumer, or provide knowledge to the sales force personnel who can help them to be more fluent and familiar in explaining the characteristics of product / brand to the consumer.

Second, the improvement of the product. Marketers can immediately improve appearance or content of the product / brand as a form of concern for desires and demands of consumers, especially on attributes that considered unimportant or less motivate consumers to buy.Furthermore, together with the attributes that are considered important and relatively already exist in the product / brand can be reported widely to consumers to increase the good impression that company has been doing repair products / brands that fit with the desire and request of the consumer.

Third, the selection of target market. If the feedback statement motivation was associated also with geographical data (for example: the region and demographic (eg age, income and education), and socio-cultural (eg religion and social class) consumers, then the results research can be used as a basis for selecting or develop appropriate target markets and profitable marketers, because of the program and marketing activities can be focused in accordance with characteristics of consumers.

Fourth, the prediction of sales. If the research also involves competitor brand equivalent, or even a competitor product variations slightly different from the brand company, so marketers can obtain about the strengths and weaknesses of the product / brand in the middle industry, so it can set the right marketing strategy in the face of competition. In addition to these data can also useful for the prediction of industry market share, so it can be done proposed sale of more precise and can produce the best benefits for the company.


As in other research activities, the selection approach motivation theory and measurement scale used in research motivation is basically to be adjusted with the problem and research goals to be solved or achieved. Dengan kata lain, In other words, approach to theory and measurement scale that one can not replace approach another measurement scale.

In order to obtain data that are informative and can accounted for, then the researcher should not 'force' consumers or the respondent to take it for granted the various attributes of the product / brand submitted by researchers. That's because researchers themselves do not necessarily within position as a consumer. If it is as a consumer, he is only one of many consumer products / brands in question, so that representatif attributes that are considered important by the researcher is not necessarily representative as the choice of other consumers. Untuk mengurangi kelemahan ini, maka To mitigate this weakness, then researchers need to conduct some preliminary research to consumers to determine the important attributes of the product / brand. Important attribute of the selected consumer is then used as the basis in preparing the statement in the measurement of attitudes, as has been exemplified in advance (Albari, 1999). Researchers also need to utilize technology processing program such as SPSS or SAS, particularly if used in population or large sample. By way of this computerization effort, time and cost saved will be very significant, in addition to the calculation accuracy diandalkan. reliable.


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